Before looking at the role of a candidadiet, it would be important to note how a fungal infection comes about. Fungi cells exist naturally in the human body. Such fungal cells do not pose a problem as long as they maintain an optimal balance and are at the right PH level. However, when harmful bacteria are introduced to the body and begin to multiply, they cause a shift in the balance and pH of a number of body processes.
It is this imbalance that may result in the rapid multiplication of yeast cells and thus causes a number of fungal diseases. Candida yeast infections are probably the most widespread result of this imbalance. Candida predominantly affects women and most will experience it at some point in their life. However, it can also affect men.
There are a number of ways one can use to manage a candida yeast infection. One of the most effective is by taking a diet tailored towards managing the infection. The primary objective of this diet is to starve the yeast and thus progressively reduce the infestation. The walk towards your candidadiet must commence at the grocery store.

What does your shopping consist of? Ensure that you know the core ingredients and the nutritional importance of every food item that you buy. How much yeast, sugar, preservative and chemicals does the food item contain? All this will help you steer clear of foods that would inadvertently feed the yeast.
Start by getting rid of all sugary foodstuffs. Candida yeast thrives in sugar. Sugar stimulates the yeast to multiply and thus makes your immune system weaker with time. Avoid all kinds of sugar but be especially careful of refined sugar, maple syrup, honey and molasses.
Fruit juices and canned fruits should also be avoided. Remember that with a candidadiet you should not only be cautious of artificial sugars but also natural sugars such as that found in fruits. Both artificial and natural sugars serve as food for the yeast and will only lead to their increase.
Another class of food item you must avoid is dairy products. Keep away from milk, cheese, cream, and any other dairy products - at least until the yeast infection completely clears. The only dairy product that you can take is yogurt. Yogurt has a number of bacteria that are beneficial for your overall health. Baked goods should also be avoided.
You hardly ever go wrong with vegetables in your meals and a candidadiet is no exception. Pack your meals with kales, green peppers, cucumbers, spinach, and leafy vegetables. Certain fruits should be part of your diet.
For instance, avocados are highly recommended as they help to stabilize blood sugar level and prevent complications due to the yeast or its treatment thereof. Popcorn,green apples, grapes and lemons are also great for yeast infection treatment.

Avoid food that contains yeast. This would encompass almost all bakery products. Do not eat meat that has been processed, cured, dried, smoked or pickled. Such meats include hot dogs, bacon and sausages. If you must have meat in a Candida diet, make sure it is wholly organic, free range chicken and beef or unprocessed fish.
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